OpenBSD 6.1 with syspatch 14 crash
Theo de Raadt
2017-07-15 18:43:30 UTC
Mike, you don't understand. byhve isn't our problem.

The trace has been looked at before. byhve violates the specification
(their cpu passes a bit indicating they support emulation of a feature
set, which they do not support emulation of). Various messages have
shown that FreeBSD don't care. Not sure how us little people can be
bothered to explain it to them.
I can't use sendbug because it only boots to ddb. This is OpenBSD 6.1 with
latest syspatch 14 running in byhve under FreeBSD.
This is a bug in bhyve. c.f.
Philip Guenther
I just want to be clear I am not talking about the -w issue. It's not
booting even with that after the latest patch.
Mike Cole